Thanksgiving Is Over…
But being thankful and grateful should not be!
Sorry about being gone for a week or more! We had a very crazy, busy, wonderful, and somewhat relaxing week and weekend at the homestead. I had two Thanksgiving dinners and the kids had three dinners. A great deal of wonderful food that we were all thankful for!
Not a whole lot gone done in the way of projects except that the kids’ rooms are much cleaner and finally all of Jordan’s furniture is back into her room. She did, however, get rid of a lot more clothes and stuff which was great. We also found a lost pair of my scissors, her sisters’ clothes, more dirty dishes that had been “accidentally” packed away, and a few tools.
Hmmm…now if we could only find her glasses.
I did receive a chest to store blankets and whatnot in! For free! Woo hoo!!! I love it and I even had a perfect place for it in the living room.
I give thanks for the abundance that comes our way and we do nothing to deserve it such as the chest and the house we live in. We receive it because of the grace of others and the man upstairs looking out for us. That humbles me more than anything I can think of.
How do we give back for this grace shown to us and abundance given to us?
As we move from the time of thanksgiving to the season of giving, we need to ask ourselves that. What can we do to give back? Not only at Christmas time, but all year round. This shouldn’t be hard, but times are hard for many people. They can not afford things that once were so readily available to them. Many people can not afford to give anymore. Sometimes the simple act of giving can do so much good though. This brings to mind a quote I often read:
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia
Giving does not always involve tangible goods. Sometimes giving means a simple act like stated above. Sometimes giving means doing a small act of goodwill such as cleaning the sidewalks for your neighbor or delivering a plate of cookies.
In this season of thanksgiving and giving, remember those that really need the encouragement and the simple act of giving with nothing attached. We never know when that simple act will turn a life around.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
PS This has been added to the Barn Hop! Great ideas for your rural (or urban) homestead!