Monday Frugality Update
What did you all do to save money these last two weeks? I had to stretch to think of what I did! I have discovered that over the last few frugal posts that I do more than I think, but some of the things I do are so ingrained in me that I don’t even think about it!
These last two weeks found me being as frugal as I could be! I wish I did more, but life did not happen quite that way. Vehicles needing repairs took a huge bite out of the budget and created more than a squeeze. Life happens like that sometimes!
Here is the list!
1. I made my own dusting spray/solution. I ran out of store-bought dusting spray and did not wish to purchase more so I made my own. Very, very simple and effective!
2. I did a lot of cleaning and decluttering. Not my idea of a good time, but it is a very frugal activity!
3. I made a list(s) of what we use around the house. The purpose of this is two-fold: (1) to save money by not buying unnecessary things and (2) to know what I should be stocking up on for our household.
4. No eating out except to take Rob out for his birthday and a little bit at concession stands. However, his birthday dessert was homemade. He requested apple crisp since that is his favorite and that is what he got!
5. Rob changed the brakes and oil on Shali’s car saving me over $200! Don’t worry, the mechanic still made money on my van!
6. I scored an almost brand new air popcorn popper for Rob’s birthday present from a Facebook garage sale site for only $12 that normally cost $30 or more. He loved it! I loved that it looked like a carnival machine and the price fell in line with spending less for gifts while getting quality ones. A goal of mine this year!
7. I downloaded a bunch of free books for my Kindle from Amazon!
8. I signed up for quite a few freebies and samples online last week. I love these because I like getting these in the mail, they are great for traveling, and to stretch supplies more!
This week I will be focusing on getting some presents for Jordan’s birthday on the 2nd. She will be 16 so we will appreciate any prayers you send our way! I will also be continuing cleaning and decluttering because it needs to be done!
Feel free to post what you have done or if you have any ideas to share!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!