Monday Frugality Update

Monday Frugality Update

So…today is NOT Monday. Yesterday was a bit busy and so was Sunday when I usually start this post. Life is like that sometimes. For the sake of this post, please pretend it is Monday. I would feel better if you do. Thanks!


Being frugality and saving money last week was a somewhat hopeless cause. I would like to think that we practiced damage control instead. Maybe we should have practiced more damage control, but some weeks are like that. This week’s frugal and saving money happenings were:

1. Shali’s car needed new brake rotors. This was discovered after the new brake pads were put on. So her car made another trip to Rob’s house. I bought two new front brake rotors and he installed them. This took him an hour tops. I need to learn how to do this, but I cleaned up his house again. We barter like that a lot.

2. I finally made a shopping trip to Target. I love that store and it’s coupon scanners. They work in my favor a lot! I spent $74 and saved $37 (specials, clearances, and coupons) with a $5 gift card to use next time. I am good with that. My cart was full when I left and some things are stocked up in my house again.

3. I wish I had that kind of luck at Kohl’s. I spent $64 and saved $41 on sales. I wear a lot of things until they break or wear out. You know: use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Last week I broke a belt and have another one on its way to breaking, broke a wire in a bra, and threw out five pairs of undies because they were no longer holding together. I bought two black belts, two pairs of undies and one bra. The fact I only bought five items for that money is depressing, but I also believe that buying higher quality lingerie means that it will last longer. I haven’t been proven wrong yet in that respect.

4. I ordered some exercise DVDs from eBay. They were quite reasonably priced for being new! I do this to keep my exercise fresh and interesting. I also figure investing a few dollars in exercise videos saves me money by not buying a gym membership or joining an exercise class although I would consider joining a yoga class. Another way to save money in this department is to use your Netflix subscription and work on to videos on there.

5. I continued to add to my food storage with some good store deals this last week. Ninety-nine cents for five pound bags of flour is pretty decent price anymore! Store brand pasta was also seventy-nine cents for one pound boxes.

6. I downloaded several free books to my Kindle from Amazon. Love it!

As you can see, damage control with some frugality thrown in. Not good. I put myself on a bit of a spending freeze for the next few weeks, possibly month so I hope to be more encouragement to you all and give you more ideas!

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

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