Frugal Tip Friday: Pasta Leftovers

Frugal Tip Friday: Pasta Leftovers

This week’s frugal tip is an off-shoot of yesterday’s post about Corn Casserole. In the tips and suggestions, I have listed one about using up the ends of pasta that are in boxes. I don’t let these gems go to waste! This is still food and money spent. I have actually helped people clean out their food pantries and kitchens and they will throw these away. What?!?!

Don’t do that! Let me help you!

Invest in one of these:

I use these containers a lot! They are so handy!  I don’t use them for cereal either although I should. I use them for leftover pasta and chocolate chips. If I have a little bit left in the bottom of a box or bag of pasta, I will dump them into the container. Then I will use the pasta in dishes such as Corn Casserole and Cavatini where I don’t care what the pasta in them looks like. Besides, the kids think it is fun to see all the different shapes!

If you don’t want to pay full price for one of these cereal containers, you don’t have to. I have bought several at garage sales and thrift shops. They can be found for less than a $1.00!

A word to the wise: do not mix your egg noodles with your regular pasta. They don’t cook the same and sometimes cause soupy casseroles. Soupy casseroles are not a good thing.

Have a great day! Thanks for reading!

The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

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