Monday on Tuesday Frugal Update
Wow…last few weeks kicked my rear! We had county fair, family visiting, all four kids at home at once, kids gone, and the general craziness of life! This last week was equally as busy with state fair (Yeah Paige!), a doctor’s appointment that turned out good (Yeah Jordan!), Shali gone for part of the week, school registrations, getting ready for college, canning, selling books, and whatnot.
Maybe I need another vacation or staycation or whatever it was I took in July….
Anyhoo…for this last few weeks’ frugal update:
I canned 10.5 half-pints of peach jam, dehydrated another 10 peaches, and made peach crisp from a box of peaches. Of course, we ate a few too!
I picked a couple of early tomatoes for eating only. I hoping for a good crop so I can at least make pasta sauce for the next year. My tomatoes this year need almost daily watering to be getting anything from them.
I was able to shut off the air conditioning for a whole week! Woo hoo! Saving money on the utilities is always my favorite thing to do!
I had to break down and buy dishwasher detergent. The soap I normally make doesn’t not all dissolve in the dishwasher. I tried a new recipe and that does not clean the items on the top rack very well. I was able to purchase my favorite dishwasher soap, Seventh Generation dishwasher detergent, on Amazon for $26.40 for 6 bottles and free shipping. I had some gift cards that helped in the purchase of the detergent too. However, I noticed that the price has already gone up.
I cut my own bangs. I have been doing this for years and it saves me $5.00 every time!
We have been limiting our trips to save on gas. This has been a little harder for the girls, but we have been trying to keep the gas usage down by staying home more and carpooling more.
I was able to get my car and home insurance premiums readjusted using a local insurance agency. I will be saving about $80 a month! *Insert happy dance*
We received some free produce plus I was able to get some really good prices on other produce. Some will go into the freezer, but the rest will be canned.
Hopefully in the next few weeks, we will get back into the groove of school and a routine. I would love to get more accomplished!
Thanks for reading!
6 thoughts on “Monday on Tuesday Frugal Update”
I'm getting 15 lbs of peaches delivered this week from my CSA fruit share. We don't usually eat a lot of peaches, I've decided to freeze them using directions I found on line. My plan is to use them this winter in a variety of recipes I've been finding on Pinterest – we'll see how that goes 🙂
Congratulations on savings $80/month. Isn't it an awesome feeling when you think about what you can do with that money?! Have a good week.
Great report! Good to hear all your blessings and accomplishments.
Out of curiosity, where do you have the most success selling books? Amazon?
Thank you!
I have the most success on on Ebay followed by I have sold books on Amazon, but I find their fees too steep. I was not making any profit from Amazon.
Frozen peaches sound wonderful too! I just didn't have enough room in my freezer at the time.
I love saving that kind of money! Yeah!