This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Every week is busy, but I find myself forgetting about what needs to get done or time slips right past me! For at least the Spring, Summer, and Fall, I will post what I want to get done weekly. These lists will seem a bit ambitious, but I like to aim high!

A lot needs to get done this week. I want to go to Rob’s house this week, but I think I better stay home and get most of this list accomplished. Or see what I can get done by Saturday morning. Sounds like a challenge!

Weekly Goals
Homesteading/Yard Chores
1. Trim tree by garage
2. Cut out or knock out wood board in garage.
3. Clean out that side of the garage and move Holly the dog to the garage.
4. Pick up branches/Cut up bigger branches for firewood

1. Plant blueberries
2. Build a raised bed
3. Plant asparagus
4. Plant lettuce and spinach in oblong wooden containers
5. Clean out rhubarb
6. Clean out strawberries
7. Clean out raspberries and mulch

1. Get ready for garage sale and have garage sale
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Clean out the refrigerator
4. List books on Amazon and

1. Make bread
2. Make granola
3. Make granola bars
4. Make muffins

What are your goals for the week?

Thanks for reading!

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