This Week’s Goals
Every week is busy, but I find myself forgetting about what needs to get done or time slips right past me! For at least the Spring, Summer, and Fall, I will post what I want to get done weekly. These lists will seem a bit ambitious, but I like to aim high!
Glad I had my list, but what I got done was a bit different. My garden got tilled! So I planted about half of the garden and hope to get the rest done this week yet. The weather was gorgeous and we spent a lot of time outside. The chicken coop and run have been taking more time than planned! The yard work was mostly done by Paige and Dane which was awesome!
Last Week’s Weekly Goals
Homesteading/Yard Chores1. Finish cleaning up the yard and start on the grove
2. Help Rob clean up the three trees that fell last winter and spring (We got two done!)3. Use the kennel panels I got and make a chicken run4. Fix the room in the barn for the chicks to go outside (Rob put chicken wire on the ceiling to discourage bird nests, fixed the window and doors, and cleaned up the walls. I swept the room and put fresh bedding in the room.)
5. Cut down tree growing in the rhubarb patch
Gardening1. Build a raised bed (As of right now, it is not happening. I might have enough room in the garden.)
2. Plant asparagus
3. Weed rhubarb (Worked on it)
4. Clean out strawberries
5. Clean out raspberries and mulch (Worked on it)6. Get garden tilled
House1. Clean the kitchen2. Clean out refrigerator
3. Clean living room carpet4. Clean bathrooms
Food/Other Projects
1. Make bread
2. Make granola bars3. Make Miracle Healing Salve from Backdoor Survival
4. Make Candles
This Week’s Weekly Goals
Homesteading/Yard Chores
1. Cut down tree growing in the rhubarb patch (!!!)
2. Move chicks to the chicken coop
3. Make nesting boxes and a roost for the chickens
4. Clean up garage
5. Finish securing the chicken run by attaching chicken wire and filling in gaps.
1. Finish the raspberries and rhubarb
2. Clean out strawberries
3. Finish planting garden and asparagus
4. Lay down weed blocking fabric and mulch
5. Set up sprinklers and hoses in the garden
1. Clean living room carpet
2. List books on Amazon and
3. Write three blog posts
4. Go through canned goods and decide if they are good/bad
5. Clean up office
Food/Other Projects
1. Make hamburgers for the summer. (Ground beef on sale at the store right now.)
2. Make food to snack on this week.
3. Make bread
4. Make candles
5. Get organized for the kids when school gets out: lunch menu plans, calendar, stock on food, etc.
What are your goals for the week?
Thanks for reading!