Nine Things You Need To Live A DIY/MYO Life
A lot of people go into the the preparedness/self-sufficiency/homesteading lifestyle thinking they can buy whatever they need and they will be fine. However, that is far from the truth. Very far from the truth.
Much of this lifestyle comes from the fact that most people want the simple life. They want to save money and provide for themselves. That is great! It is exactly why I wanted the simple life. But the “simple life” involves more than saving money and providing for yourself.
The “simple life” involves being able to do for yourself. It involves being a DIY (do it yourself) and MYO (make your own) kind of person.
Folks, being that kind of person isn’t easy. I am not always that kind of person. I believe being a DIYer and MYOer takes nine things and/or attributes. Sometimes you don’t always have to have these all at the same time, but you need to be able to be working on them all the time.
What do you need to live a DIY/MYO Life?
1. Attitude
Attitude is a big one. Being positive and optimistic will help you get things done. Having a “can do” attitude will make the projects seem easier when they are not. Taking on new projects will not seem like a chore, but a joy when you have a good attitude.
2. Self-discipline
Self-discipline will help you get the job done. Having self-discipline to improve yourself and your homestead and to get things done will make the DIY/MYO life a lot easier.
3. Self-motivation (Gumption)
Some people call self-motivation “gumption”. I do too. Very few people can make do anything. Only you can get your projects started. Only you can get your projects started.
4. Creativity
Oh my, creativity is a big part of the DIY/MYO lifestyle. Sometimes you only have certain items on hand to make something and no money to buy more. Sometimes you need a solution to a problem and have to use what is on hand because the store is closed. Creativity is a talent in my mind which is why I have books and materials on hand to help with my creativity (or lack thereof).
5. Grace
You have to give yourself grace. You will not get everything done in a day. Something will go wrong. Your idea might not work out. Your solution might not work out. Step back, think it over, and start again. Learn to forgive yourself and move on.
6. Skills: Learning and Mastering
For the DIY/MYO life, learning skills is a must. We are not born knowing everything and so we must learn. Learn how to sew. Learn how to garden. Learn how to build fences. Learn how to build anything. Keeping learning and practicing. Eventually you will master those skills.
7. Ambition and/or Laziness
Being ambitious and wanting to do more is an important attribute for this life. Gardening, raising chickens, maintaining beehives, canning food, and more all take ambition. Laziness can also attribute to this life. Sometimes I DIY/MYO because I am too lazy to go to town, to the store, or to the neighbors to get what I need. Laziness can be a great friend or a great enemy – just depends on how to take advantage of it!
8. Materials: Free and Not Free
This DIY/MYO life takes materials to build, to make, and to do. Since I am pretty frugal, I have little desire to buy anything and am willing to take a lot of things for free. I might not need them right now, but put them away for a time when I will need them. I don’t throw out much if I think I will have a need for it. I also recognize that I will need to buy materials from time to time. That can be a given.
9. Patience
Patience is necessary for any DIY/MYO life. Patience to understand that not everything will get done overnight. Patience to wait until you have the funds to do the projects you want. Patience when you need to start over again because the chickens died or the garden got washed out. Patience when you have to fix a fence for the third time. Patience will do more for you than being frustrated.
Does this seem a bit daunting? Don’t let it be. You shouldn’t be all things all the time. You can do this! Doing things yourself and making things yourself can be the most satisfying feeling in the world!
Thanks for reading,