August Scenes From The Homestead
Ahh…August. August is one of my favorite months. Everything is green, growing, blooming, ready for harvest, and/or starting to die. The kids start back to school and activities are already in full swing.
These pictures would be a day in the life and what is going on around the homestead in August.
First of all, it was the first day of school for Paige and Dane. Paige starts 9th grade and Dane starts 5th grade. Shali and Jordan also started classes at UNI the same day!
These are my bell pepper plants that starting to flower. Hopefully, I will have peppers soon. I had some planted in the garden, but something ate them. So I planted more in buckets in a sunny spot beside the house.
I also planted some herbs in buckets. From left to right is: chives, lavender, mint, and lemon balm. It appears that I need to be picking and drying them soon!
This was an experiment for me. I planted four sweet potato plants in a former feed tub. Hopefully, at the end of the season, I will be able to just dig them out of the tub for eating this winter.
The chickens are enjoying an early evening snack of overgrown cucumbers. Holly the formerly injured dog is keeping an eye on them outside the fence. I had to lay straw down last week because the outdoor area got so muddy from the six inches of rain we got!
Inside the coop is a little messy. I will have to clean the coop soon. I adore the antique long feeder that my kids’ grandfather found! The chickens are happier too!
One or two of the chickens have found a new place to lay eggs away from the nesting boxes. I need to investigate why they are doing that though.
My onions are starting to pop out of the ground. Hopefully they will get a bit bigger.
My one red tomato so far. I have a bunch of green ones though!
I found 7-8 pound bags of apples on clearance at the grocery store for 99 cents a bag. I bought both bags and made applesauce out of one of them. I will do the same with the other bag too.
Thanks for reading,