Monday Update From The Homestead – August 8 (Garden, Life, Bathroom, and Being Frugal!)
This last week has been busy! Again. Surprised, aren’t you?
I promise the winter updates will not be nearly as exciting as these summer ones. The weather is nice, hot, humid, and we are just trying to get everything done outside that we can. Except…
We ended up doing an impromptu remodel on our downstairs bathroom. You know, toilets leak once in a while. A new ring, some chalk, and new vinyl flooring will make it better. The walls need to be painted too, but I need to read up about how to paint over wallpaper. I don’t have any desire to take wallpaper off of plaster.
We weeded about half of the garden. The garden and produce remaining probably thanks to me, but it just seems like a lot of work. We are getting zucchini, summer squash, a few tomatoes, and a lot of green beans! I think I got all the onions dug out of the dirt. They were a little on the small side, but still good. The shallots are just about reading to be dug out too.
I haven’t done a lot of canning this summer yet. As much as I believe in putting up as much produce as I can, I am trying to make sure it is produced we will eat in canned form. I can’t wait for the tomatoes to take off. I will make a ton of tomato sauce, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, and salsa. We eat a lot of those things. I did get eleven quarts of green beans canned though. I love green beans!
We have been really trying hard to be more frugal. I am pretty frugal naturally. I would be even more frugal if I could remember to make snacks for myself and take them to work! We have a couple of short trips we want to take in the next few months. So we are really buckling down on spending money. We have only eaten out once in the last month. We are really trying hard to make sure no food goes to waste. We are generally just being more creative about fixing things and not spending money if we can help it.
Another reason I am buckling down on being frugal and being more aware of money going out is that school starts in two weeks. I seem to spend a lot of money on a lot of things when school starts. Today I paid our school fees and that was $110. Ouch! I still have to pay band and choir uniform fees for Paige. Dane will not have those until next year.
We also did not qualify for the free or reduced lunch program at school because I make just enough money to not qualify. I figured out the rates of lunch per day ($2.40 for high school, $2.35 for middle school) and multiplied that by twenty days for the month. That would be almost $100 a month for just school lunches! Owww!!!
The kids have been informed they will be eating more cold lunches than hot lunches and no more breakfast ($1.55 each per day) at school. They actually seem to be fine with it. I am doing more research on cold lunch ideas so we don’t get bored.
Our local county fair was last week. Paige got three blue and one red ribbon on her art projects. Dane got two blue ribbons on his picture frame and Lego project. They were happy and I was happy that we got there in one piece. Fair time can be rather stressful!
How did your week go? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks for reading,