About me
I am a single mom of four trying to keep ahead of the ball game. Although the ball games are starting to get less and less, we are still busy! The kids are now 25, 23, 19, and 15 and life is still rolling! I also have three grandbabies now too! I do have a significant other and you will hear about him from time to time because he is a lot better at construction than I am!
For this blog, I have four main areas I like to cover: frugal living/saving money, prepping, homesteading, and self-sufficiency. I try to keep the posts focused on those four areas, but I have been known to get off-topic and talk about political issues, parenting, and complete randomness. However, I believe truly that those four areas are the most important and intertwined with each other.
I love to garden, raise kids and chickens, be outside in the summer, read books, do needlework, and tackle my never-ending list of projects. I am passionate about people raising their own food. I love to take worthless items and make them worth something again. I love living in the country and never want to live in town again.
Thank you for visiting this blog! It means a lot to me and I want to share what I know, what I am learning, and my mistakes with you all so you can learn along with me. Please feel free to comment, ask questions, share posts, and let others know about Living Life In Rural Iowa.
If you want to contact me, you can email me at admin@adminuraliowa.com.