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Category: Chickens

Homemade Nesting Boxes for Chickens Using Free or Recycled Materials

Homemade Nesting Boxes for Chickens Using Free or Recycled Materials

One of the things about my homestead is that I don’t have a lot of money to spend. Like none. I have become very good at taking whatever free items come along and putting them aside for future use. I may not know what I am going to be using them for, but at least I have the materials on hand.Laying hens need a place to lay their eggs. While I have some chickens who like to lay on the…

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Monthly Frugal and Homesteading Update

Monthly Frugal and Homesteading Update

This month has been a bit busy and my mind has been going in a different direction. July has been a no spend month. I was very unintentional about it, but the budget demanded it. The budget is going to demand it for August also so no spending unless necessary. The great thing about having a no spend month in the summer is that my garden and everyone else’s garden has been exploding with goodness! My garden was being a…

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Introducing the Chickens!

Introducing the Chickens!

One of my huge homesteading goals for this year was to get laying chickens. So far, this is one of the best things I have ever done! The chickens have been fairly easy even though we had a rocky start together, but all in all I can’t wait to try meat chickens in a year. We had a rough start when they came home. We thought we had their crate warm enough, but evidently not. We lost three due to…

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In A Holding Pattern…

In A Holding Pattern…

Feels like I am just waiting and waiting and waiting. Waiting for the nicer weather that is now here and hopefully staying. Waiting for the chicks to arrive. Waiting to plant my garden. Waiting to get my yard cleaned up and in shape. Waiting to build my raised beds. Waiting to be outside in my favorite outfit, tee shirts and jeans. What is a girl to do while she is waiting? Plan, plan, and plan. Spring clean the house. Reorganize…

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