Flower, Garden & Weekend Update

Flower, Garden & Weekend Update

Well, I have to make an admission. I didn’t get much cleaning done last weekend. I spent part of Saturday watching this:

 Shali batting a very excellent hit!

Then we spent time with family Saturday afternoon. Friday night, a little of Saturday afternoon/night, and Sunday afternoon and night was spent outside. The weather and temps were gorgeous if not a little (or a lot) humid.

Dane and I planted the rose square in the yard. The middle of the bed is a wild rose bush (I think? I know it is a rose of some kind!). In the corners we planted mums that are suppose to be very hardy since they were developed in Minnesota. In between the mums we planted columbines. I wasn’t planning on planting or buying more plants, but the Hy-Vee greenhouse had a lot left and looked so nice. In other words, I have no willpower and bought them anyway. Oh well. They will be pretty!

This is the rose square:

Sorry the roses got cut off from the top picture. Here is a close up of the pretty posies!

Then we worked on the barrels in the front yard. I had some leftover petunias that we added to the barrels so we didn’t waste them. I have a bunch of different flowers in the barrels and I don’t remember the names.

Here is my renegade Russian sage from last year. I guess it missed being transplanted. That is probably a good thing as the others died!

Here lies my garden. The weeds are not as bad as they look! The garden looks considerably better since I weeded a good deal of it yesterday. I just didn’t take a picture of the weeded stuff. And yes, I have a tree trying to grow in my rhubarb. It will be gone by the end of summer. I promise.

Here are my un-weeded raspberries. Coming right along!

Here lies one half of my garden. The half I am not so ashamed of. To the left is the strawberries. I have more planted and growing, but they are not noticeable yet. In the middle is two rows of potatoes that I started myself. I had a bunch from last year that spouted. In the middle of the potatoes and the fence is my garlic plants. I started them a bit late, but I think they are coming right along. Along the fence is my peas. On the other side of the fence that you cannot see is a row of onions, a row of green beans, 3 hills of cucumbers, 2 hills of summer squash, and 2 hills of zucchini. I also have 8 buckets of tomatoes and 6 plants of bell peppers.

Yum! Some of the first strawberries!

Along side my garden is my daylilies that I got from Anne. They are just starting to bud and blossom!

That is it for now for pics of the yard. Hopefully I will get pictures of the tulips that grow all over the place here next spring. We did get the mowing done and some weed-wacking done. Also a ton of laundry got done, just not hung out on the line. We weren’t having a ton of success drying outside due to the humidity.

Thanks for reading! Have a great night!

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