This Last Week

This Last Week

Ugh. That is really all I can say about this last week. No blog posts since last Monday. I feel terribly guilty about that!

I had a somewhat easy week too! I only had Paige at home Monday and Tuesday nights although she had a friend sleep over on Tuesday night. Shali, Jordan and Dane took up residence at the UMC Camp Okoboji for a week. Shali was a junior staff counselor for the week. Jordan went to Teen Week Camp. Dane went to the Short Stacks Camp Monday – Wednesday. I had a very tired boy when he came home! Shali and Jordan came home Saturday and I think Shali is still recovering.

The focus of last week and this week too has been and will be finding Shali a car!!! This has to be the most frustrating task I have ever undertaken! I am just blown away by the dishonesty of sellers – professional or private. I also now recommend running a Carfax report for any car you are considering. I have been enlightened more than once about a vehicle’s history due to the information on that report. I have also called on plenty of cars to have no one return my message. I know I am not always very speedy about returning phone calls, but I am when I am trying to sell something!

However, I do find this ironic – I have the financing in place for the car and I don’t have the car yet. I think that is a first!

No canning or freezing of produce has happened either. I need to get with the program there! I think I might be able to salvage some sweet corn yet, but we still have about half of what I froze last year yet. I am not too worried about the corn. I have green beans ready to be canned and onions that need to be chopped and dried. I also noticed my potatoes are ready to be dug if I so desire. Being in the ground doesn’t hurt them either!

Shali and Jordan start volleyball as well as danz squad this week. I wonder what we are getting ourselves into when I allow them to be this busy. We are going to make some changes in our household to deal with this busyness! I just don’t know what yet. Otherwise they will gone from 6:00 am to 8:30 pm. That did not go well last year and I am dreading it for this year.

I need to get in gear! The goals for this week:

1. More blog posts than last week!
2. To find a car for Shali!
3. Cultivating and harvesting in my garden!
4. Canning/drying/perserving!

I will have a blog post for Preparedness Monday tonight! We are going to go multiple directions from here on after. Tonight’s topic is…. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

Sharing is caring!

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