Tired of the Election Chaos? A Guide on How To Vote American!
I’m tired of the elections, the politics (and I love politics), the saying something and meaning nothing of this current batch of candidates. They sure can promise a lot of things that may or may not happen. They can throw a lot of smoke to cover up their past deeds and mistakes. This year, they sure can throw a lot of mud and not be bothered with telling the American people what they really need to know. This is the first election that I don’t want to vote in. I want nothing to do with it even though it is my American duty to vote. Women fought very hard for my right to vote and that effort should not be wasted even 97 years later. However, my gut feeling tells me nothing good will come out of this election no matter who gets elected. I don’t ignore my gut feelings. Ever. So I won’t be posting who I am voting for or endorsing. I don’t know who I am voting for. I don’t know if I am going to vote, but I probably will. Don’t ask me or give me kind suggestions either. I am well aware of who is out there. I am well aware there are third party candidates who are not being given a fair chance in a rigged two-party electoral process. Just as I am aware that women are voting for Hillary just because she is a woman and people are voting for Trump because he is brash and bold. None of those reasons are legit, you know. How about where they stand on education, gun control, Agenda 21 (or the newest version of it), war, foreign relations, domestic relations, state vs. federal rights, national healthcare, EPA, water rights, eminent domain, agriculture, subsidies to big oil, jobs being kept in America, supporting American manufacturers, tax breaks for small businesses, and so on? How about those issues? Voting for someone should not be about how much you are getting for free, what gender they are, their personality, or their religion. It should be about their past actions, accomplishments, achievements, and somewhat their experience. How have these candidates lived their lives? Were they honest and fair in their dealings with others? How have they handled failure and still continued on their careers? How have they represented America in the past? It should not be about getting free weed, marriage freedom, or where they stand on abortion. Those issues have absolutely nothing to do with running a government or being one of the most powerful leaders in the world. They are smokescreen issues designed to take away from the real issues at hand like keeping us out of the war with Russia or Syria. It should not be about how the government is going to take care of you. The government was never designed to take care of you. Until 1913, when the income tax was imposed upon American citizens, the government never had the money to take care of you. With the Great Depression came programs that were never meant to be permanent. With the anti-poverty laws created in the 1960s came programs that were never meant to be a permanent lifestyle. Supporting a candidate who will make sure you don’t lose your benefits is not a legitimate choice. Choosing a candidate should be about who is going to uphold the laws of our land, support the Constitution, not going to trample all over the rights and freedoms we have already been given, and be an American to the core. A candidate is someone who is not going to sell America to the United Nations, become a puppet state for ISIS, suppress our international power in order to not offend other countries, and not deliberately going to anger other countries who could give us a heck of a fight. A candidate is someone who is going to tell all immigrants and refugees that we have rules about coming into this country, you wanted to come here, and you will obey them in order to have the rights and privileges that we enjoy now. A candidate should be someone who is going to say that when you are in America, you are in the greatest country in the world. A candidate should be someone who is going to stand for America in all ways and look at the presidency as a public servant would. A potential POTUS should not look at this job as a way to become a new world order or to conquer the world. They would respect our privacy, not want to be Big Brother, and not spy on us – in essence abolish that part of the NSA. A potential POTUS should look at this job as a way to make America great again. Because that is what their constituents want – an America that is great again. Thanks for reading, Erica