Re-evaluating Routines
I have been re-evaluating our household routines for the last few weeks. What I was doing was not working anymore. I have been following FlyLady for quite some time now. She has been wonderful for decluttering my house and getting into a routine. She believes in baby steps and that worked for me, especially after my divorce when I was trying to get my feet back under me again. I would highly recommend her for anyone wanting to declutter their home and start a household routine.
In this stage of life, I am finding that this no longer works for me or for our household. Not that we are done decluttering. We are never done decluttering. That is a constant with a household of our size. But only working on one room a week with a weekly cleaning of the house? That is just not working anymore.
However, I will keep the doing of one load of laundry a day. That has been a game changer at our house! This makes laundry day look a lot more attractive! Shining the sink will also be kept. Believe it or not, I feel better seeing a clean, shining sink every night before I go to bed.
I have been reading Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman. I love this book! She gives so much great advice on how to manage a large family. One of the things that she does is have a day set aside for different things. She does Laundry Day on Monday, Kitchen Day on Tuesday, Office Day on Wednesday, and so on.
This routine appeals to me on so many levels. I would know on what day I am going to do something. No more trying to fit this in or overdoing on one day. She still emphasizes doing a daily house clean up which we do already.
In addition to this, I enjoy and follow the Today’s Small Thing that Mrs. Ridge posts daily at the Home Sanctuary blog. I love the fact that she finds things to do that I would never have thought of. Some days the Small Thing might be something done around the house and some days they might be something for just you! I will continue to do because they are fun!
Now I just need to figure out my routine. I have a tentative idea of what it will be. I am sure this will need tweaking. I also need to write down my goals for each of the days so I have a list to work from. I may not accomplish everything on the list, but having something to aim towards helps so much.
So here is what my days will look like:
Monday: Office Day
Tuesday: Kitchen Day
Wednesday: Cleaning Day
Thursday: Gardening Day (summer, fall), Project Day (winter, spring); may also be a catch-up day
Friday: Errand Day (groceries, stores, etc.)
Saturday: Laundry Day
Sunday: Rest Day (because I firmly believe we need a day to relax!)
I realize this will take some tweaking. With kids being in sports, some of these days will get switched around depending on the priorities of that week. But I think it is workable! Now to get a list of goals for each day written down and posted for me to look at!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!