This week’s Tuesday Savings on the Homestead is brought to you by this blogger! The same blogger who hates shopping, especially furniture shopping!

I really have a problem paying new furniture prices. How can they charge so much for a bed frame and whatnot? It should be criminal! I also don’t always dig paying used furniture prices because of the wide variety of conditions and prices.
I look for a lot of free items and I look at what I have at home. As I have mentioned before, I am switching up beds at our house. We are going to build Paige a platform bed that will hold a full size mattress. She will get Shali’s old mattress.
Shali’s room will still be her place to come home to, but I want to put a queen size bed in her room. I want a bigger bed for company. The bed frame in her bed is pretty much beyond repair, but we will take another look after we take it apart.
I had already picked up a bed frame to use for her bed originally (purchased for $30 off Craigslist), but yesterday we picked this up for free:
Sorry the picture is on its side and not that great, but you get the idea!
This headboard/bed frame was not exactly what I was looking for, but Paige and I are going to sand it down, paint it ivory, and probably put a layer of clear protective coat over it. I already have paint that will work for this project. This will work very well in the place it will be going.
It came with a complete bed frame which is handy because my bed frame needs to be replaced too. I will just use the one I got earlier for my bed. Now I just need to find a queen size mattress and box spring!
This is just one of the two summer makeover projects we have on tap. The other is a desk for Dane’s room. I have a desk in the office I am no longer using (I have two desks in there). Dane has been really wanting a desk so this will work out perfectly. We will need to sand the desk a little bit, paint it blue (Dane’s choice), and put a clear protective coat on it. I don’t have a picture of the desk, but it is still covered with papers that need a new home!
For the cost of the blue paint and clear protective coat, these will both cost me very little money. I will be saving a lot of money in not buying new or used furniture. I am still shopping around for a mattress to make the bed in Shali’s room a finished reality. I would also like to carpet it or put down a room-sized area rug, but again I will be patient and shop around for awhile.
What will you be making over this summer? Will you be spending very little for your makeover project too?
Thanks for reading,
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