What Happens When The Computers Suddenly Don’t Work Anymore?

What Happens When The Computers Suddenly Don’t Work Anymore?

A while back, I was without a computer for three weeks because my computer died suddenly. I have been thinking more about that now. So much has changed with computers and technology in general in the last four years.  

Our phones can do dang near anything we want them to. We have so many more social media options now. We now have notebooks and pads that function as mini computers. For a while, I had a Kindle that did nothing, but download books without graphics. Now Kindles are all that and more. 

The point is we all depend on computers and relevant technology way too much anymore.

Need proof? 

We “pin” everything on Pinterest or to remember it for later. 

We “google” almost every topic we could possibly interested in.

We look up videos on YouTube to find out how to do just about anything. 

We save links on Facebook to remember them for later reading or for super cool ideas.

We bookmark pages, posts, and anything else we might want to remember for later on the web.

We get updates by email that we can put into a folder and save for later. 

I am not saying these are not great tools to use and have because I am just as guilty as you all are. If you have managed to avoid these traps, kudos to you. However, most people have not which then begs the question:

What happens when computers suddenly don’t work anymore?

Step back and think about all the things you use in a day that requires a computer. That alone might scare you! Would your life as you know it end? 

I know mine would take a hit. 

Here is what you need in order to survive without technology:

Print off the materials you need. You found a great reference site on the net. You love that one blog post so full of great information. Awesome. Now hit print so you aren’t lost without that information later. Better yet? Put that into a binder marked with the topic it pertains to so you can find it even easier later.

Start buying and using the reference you need to live without computers. Shop the thrift stores and garage sales to pick up cheap reference materials. Make a list before you go for the books you want. Keep an open mind though. Also, check out eBay and Amazon. They have a lot of used books for cheap prices. Read the books and make yourself a reference library. 

Start learning the skills you think you need to live a life without technology. Here is the thing. Having all those books are great. Reference materials are invaluable. However, you need to actually learn the skills that those books talk about. Do you have books on hunting? Great. Start learning how to hunt then. Get your hunting license and start aiming/shooting. 

Practice everyday living without computers. Put down the phones. Find something to do that doesn’t involve having technology. Build a garden box and start a garden. Use a hand saw and trim some trees. Get used to some hard, satisfying work. Go for a walk and pay attention to the flora and fauna around you. You might need that information later.

Develop some hobbies that do not rely on technology. Some people are caught up in technology. Their phones are their hobby. That needs to change. Start reading those aforementioned books. Take up needlework and hand sewing. Practice whittling on sticks. Buy your kids some toys that don’t need technology to run them like blocks and Legos. Go camping. 

Learn to live without technology altogether. If we don’t have computers anymore, we will lose a lot of other services too. Like almost every single one. Make a plan to deal with the loss of garbage, electricity, sewer, water, gas, and transportation services. Start to live a life without the need for those services. They might come back after a while when they learn work without technology. 

What would you do without technology?

Thanks for reading,

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