Do You Feel Like Prepping Now?
Anytime is a good time to start prepping. Yesterday is always a better time, but starting now is better than waiting until the actual SHTF happens. And a lot of events are going on right now.
Winter is here. The East really knows winter is here now. I had a few friends post pictures of the almost empty grocery shelves. The snow fall made getting around difficult. And despite warnings to stay home and get ready, many people were caught in Snow Storm Jonas.
Stock markets around the world are really taking a dive. That is even happening in the United States. Please don’t fool yourselves. We have big financial problems coming on the horizon that are not fixable.
We have foreign problems by the loads. Iran is a huge worry. The Middle East is always a worry. Russia doesn’t hesitate to let you know how they feel. Our president is not very well adept in dealing with any of this. One wrong move in the next year could send us into a world war.
We have many potential natural disasters coming into play. Polar ice caps are melting. More earthquakes are happening every month. A couple of places in the US are poised to have the “big one” happen anytime when talking about earthquakes. Tornado season is around the corner.
We have more people on welfare and government assistance now than at anytime in history. More and more people believe the government will save them if something happens. Unemployment is high (depending on whose numbers you believe) and climbing. What happens when the government money runs out?
I could go on and on, but you get it. The time to prep is now.
Many people think that they can always start something new tomorrow or next week, but prepping doesn’t work like that. You don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow or next week. Heck, you don’t know always know what is going to happen today. You might have your day planned out and get stuck in a snow drift on the way home.
You just don’t know.
Why wait to prep? Waiting just doesn’t make sense! Do you want to be one of those people that has to scramble at the last minute to get what you need? Or worse yet, be helpless until help arrives? Do you want to put yourself and your family in danger because you didn’t want to have worry about “that kind of stuff”?
I am a prepper and I know the urge to prep more and prep smarter has been hitting me hard lately. Enough so that I have been reassessing my preps and getting holes filled. I am building even more food storage and water storage. I am making plans to beef up my gardens and increase my chicken flock this spring. I am figuring out more ways to heat without electricity. I am doing more reading and learning about new skills and practicing them.
I am doing what I can to make sure my family is not helpless. I can’t handle seeing them hungry or hurt. There is no reason they should suffer more because of my lack of foresight. You and yours should not have to suffer either.
What is the harm in having extra food and water in the house? What could it hurt for your family to take self-defense lessons? How cool would it be to grow some of your food? What could be a problem with having a good first-aid kit?
All of it needs to happen. Today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today.
Do you feel like prepping now?
Thanks for reading,
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