Monday Update From The Homestead – July 11
Whew! Another week gone! I swear I am going to figure out how to slow down time…
The kids were a busy bunch this last week. They went to their dad’s house for two days. Paige drove some more Driver’s Ed and worked at the pool (she is a life guard). Dane went to his aunt and uncle’s house on Saturday with his grandparents.
On Sunday, the kids and I went to my parents’ house to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! A lot has happened in forty years and I am sure more will happen in the future!
This week, Dane has basketball camp from today to Thursday. Paige is on her second to last week of Driver’s Ed. Both kids are frantically getting ready for county fair that is the first week in August!
And we have family coming Friday to stay with us this weekend! Whew!
So what happened last week?
I weeded the garden. Amazingly, it needs weeding again.
We got some much, much needed rain after being dry for almost three weeks. I had started to water the garden because the tomatoes were starting to wilt and the peppers were not growing. I think both are starting to come out of it now. The peas are definitely ready to pick and I hope to get that done tonight yet.
I dug up all my garlic. The plants had dried back so it was time. The bulbs were pretty decent sized and I am pretty happy with the harvest. I got thirty bulbs which is what I planted. I also got some bulbits. I had planted the garlic last fall about an inch into the soil. The bulbs must have sunk further down because I had bulbits which are a second forming on the bulb above the surface. They are still edible and I learned a lot about planting garlic this year!
We cleaned up more of the shop and worked on the barn. Rob got another wall of the shop painted which he is happy about. He also cleaned the front of the house, front porch, the front doors, and the sidewalk! The house looks brand new!
We also had two date nights at the tractor pulls in Rockwell! I love watching them every year. Rob got me into tractor pulling and I am so happy he did!
I am also trying to get back into cooking more from scratch and planning ahead for the week. This is my goal almost every weekend, but the weekends just seem to fly by. Saturday morning, I made two loaves of bread, two batches of granola bars, and a double batch of egg muffins. We ate some of the egg muffins for lunch Saturday, but the rest have been for breakfasts this week. I also diced up a canned ham we were given and will use that for scrambled eggs, omelets, pizza, and pasta salad.
How was your week?
Thanks for reading,