10 Tips That Could Improve Your Odds of Survival and Save Your Life

In today’s society, you can not be too careful. You never know what could happen to you. While we like to think that bad things would never happen to us, that is certainly not the case for many people. Some situations could have been avoided with a little foresight and preparation. Some situations would never have happened if the victims had been paying attention.
While that may sound cold and harsh, it’s the truth. Even though I never have wanted to be in some people’s shoes, I do believe that some situations are completely avoidable. Listed below are ten tips that could help you improve your odds of survival and save your life. Some of these tips are very easy to use and implement in your daily life.
- Have your phone on you, charged, and with the ringer on. Your cell phone is an important tool and too many people treat it poorly. It should be charged often, not when it is on 10% and dying. Every time you drive somewhere, charge your phone. Keep a portable charger charged and on you to plug into if you don’t have a vehicle. Charge it at work. When you need it in an emergency, it will have plenty of charge and be ready to go. You can access emergency information, maps, and important phone numbers when you need them if you have a ready-to-use phone.
- Carry a basic EDC: phone, cash, flashlight, extra batteries, a small folding knife, a small first aid kit, and multitool. (You may decide you need more things, but this is a basic list.) You can carry these things on your person or a small bag/purse. Either way, these things come in handy for daily life and emergencies.
- Travel in groups. Although not everyone will agree, traveling in groups is safer. More people will be on hand to help in critical situations, and groups can pull together in survival situations.
If you are going to travel by yourself, make sure a trusted family member or friend knows your itinerary and is the emergency contact on your phone. You may even go as far as having a tag on you or have a locating app on your phone so someone else knows where you are at any time. This works in a group or solo setting. - Be aware of your surroundings. Walk into a building and look around. Can you spot the exits? Can you spot trouble areas? Keep your head up and look around you to see any signs of trouble or danger.
- Avoid dangerous situations. This should go without saying, but avoid problem areas. If you know a part of a city is a trouble area, avoid the trouble by avoiding the area if possible. Large crowds can be dangerous and you need to be able to get out of that crowd quickly. Most people would avoid large crowds depending on the reason for gathering. Do not sit with your back to the main door. Avoid flooded roads and weather-damaged areas. You get the idea. Do not put yourself intentionally in dangerous situations.
- Do not appear vulnerable. Appearances are important, and how you present yourself matters a lot. Carry yourself with confidence. Keep your head up and look around. Keep your body relaxed but upright. Body language can mean the difference between becoming a victim and being left alone.
- Do not appear to be distracted. It’s one thing to be distracted by your kids, but to be distracted by your phone is another. Being distracted by your phone means you are not paying attention which can make you a target. People become victims of petty theft because they are not paying attention or get distracted.
- Be prepared to defend yourself. Whether this is self-defense or with a weapon, you should know how to defend yourself. Take a self-defense class or watch some videos on YouTube. Get very comfortable with your weapon of choice. Be ready to use it to defend yourself when the situation arises.
- Keep your surroundings neat and clean. This includes your person, your vehicle, and your home. If you are struggling to find things that you may need in an emergency, you will lessen your chances of survival. If you get into a car accident, flying objects in your vehicle could also injure you. If you live in a messy, cluttered home, you might cause a more dangerous situation for you and emergency personnel if there is a medical emergency or a fire.
- Blend into your surroundings. You do not necessarily need to become a gray man although that works well. Appearing to be comfortable and friendly will ensure that you blend in at social events, stores, and other public places. You are trying to avoid unwanted attention.
You are ultimately responsible for yourself. The reality is that no one may be coming to save you. You should be ready and able to deflect and defend yourself. To be able to do this requires practice and training. It’s not something that you can watch a video once and suddenly you know everything. You need to put these tips into practice every day.
Thanks for reading,